SEPCOR Microbial
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Microbes improves the recovery of oil and gas by reducing paraffin and asphaltenes in oilwells, storage tanks and pipelines
Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) is the concept of using microbiological technology in oil reservoirs to improve the recovery of oil and gas trapped in the porous media of the formation.
Paraffin accumulation, corrosion scale and emulsions historically have resulted in significant economic losses and reduced profitability for oil producers and operators. Traditional control methods such as hot oil chemical treating, and paraffin scraping, have been arguably and marginally successful and temporary at best. Often these methods can have a serious long-term effects (especially in the case of hot oiling) on the economic productive life of the well. Now there is a microbial product offered as a periodic treatment program that removes paraffin and aslphaltene deposition, breaks emulsions, inhibits corrosion and scale formation.
SEPCOR live cultured treatment of oilwells has yielded exceptional results. In most cases, we can expect an increase of about 25-30 percent in the output of a well that has been blocked by asphaltenes and paraffins. After treatment, one can expect changes in crude oil properties through the natural metabolic process of the microbial treatment. The petroleum will not reform paraffin deposits at any point in the pumping system, the flow lines, the heater treater or the storage tanks. The viscosity of the fluids can be reduced, which can result in a proportional increase in the API gravity. The paraffin content as a percentage will drop as shown in current ongoing studies. The pour point will drop as the paraffin is dropping.
Here is a typical well after treatment with SEPCOR’s microbes. There is an initial rise in barrels of oil per minute (BOPM) as the initial blockage is removed and then the well settles down to about 1500 BOPM. Roughly a 28 percent increase.
H2S Reduction using Microbial Treatment
Treatment of a well producing 1600 PPMV H2S reduced to 400 PPMV in just 26 days.
Hydrocarbon Vapor Suppression and LEL Neutralizing Cultures
The application of vapor suppression cultures can lower vapor pressure and flammability.
Typically within 24 hours, the LEL levels of most hydrocarbons, including benzene, toluene, EDC, xylene, and gasoline, are reduced to near zero. These microbes can be applied to soil, water or enclosed tanks. It is 100 percent safe for wastewater systems and plant bio-ponds.
Tank Bottoms Reduction Cultures
The application of organic components through natural digestion converts sludge to aldehydes, ketones, fatty acids and polysaccharides. Tank bottoms can be reduced to minimal levels thus giving an alternative to traditional tank cleaning or delaying the tank cleaning until scheduled turnarounds.
For more information please review our Oilfield Case Histories