Sepcor Bioremediation Microbes for Environmental

Microbes to clean up contaminated soil or water by cleaving the molecules apart.  We now have new materials and methods against oil spills, salt, pesticides, and organic contamination




SEPCOR Bioremediation


Use of naturally occurring or genetically modified microbes to clean up contaminated soil or water is gaining steam.  We now have new materials and methods against mercury, oil spills, salt, pesticides, and organic contamination. Microbes are mother nature’s way of cleaning up the environment so at Sepcor, we just help nature by helping using natural products.




Long chain hydrocarbons molecules are cleaved into shorter chains.  Hazardous materials are rendered inert and produce simple carbon species, CO2 and water. The product will cleave the halide atom away from the organic portion of molecules rendering many dangerous halogenated organics and Insecticides inert.   Soil and water are then restored to the original condition prior to contamination.




Use of naturally occurring cultures degrade components in food processing, textile, pulp, paper, wood processing, municipal waste treatment systems, and septic tank wastewater. These microbes are all non-pathogenic and will not harm plants or animals. Waste components generated by these operations are; animal fats, proteins, feathers, starch, oils, greases, triglycerides, sugars, nitrates, blood, tissues, BOD, COD, TSS, and TDS.




The species present in SEPCOR Halosep™ also can perform ion exchange with calcium to bring soil back to a productive state where plants can once again thrive.


The Problem


Soil damage resulting from produced saltwater spills are a common problem in many oil producing arenas. Salt can damage the soil to such an extent that most plants will not grow. In addition, excessive salt can damage the soil microbial community further interfering with plant growth and the natural recycling of soil nutrients. Biological methods exist that can correct this problem thus restoring the soil to a healthy state that can support plant and microbial growth.


The Mechanism


Salt spills can be rernediated using salt tolerant, halophilic cultures capable of cleaving the sodium off the sodium chloride molecule. Sodium is used in many intracellular processes. This cation exchange can only occur if calcium is present in the impacted soil. The microbes remove the sodium from the sodium chloride molecule and the chloride bonds with the calcium to form calcium chloride. Calcium chloride does not plug the root system of plants, which is (lie main cause of plant mortality in salt contaminated soil.







PHONE: 281-752-7272

ADDRESS: 5100 Westheimer Road, Suite 200 Houston, Texas  77056

HOURS: 9am-5pm CST Mon-Fri

E-MAIL: sales@sepcor.com

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